In order for Strike At Car No Loss

Many feared the driver when a jam occurs. In addition to worry about running out of fuel, a looming nightmare when congestion is rising engine temperature, trigger the car broke down.

Well, to avoid excessive engine heat, one way to do is pay attention to the condition of the engine coolant (coolant) in the radiator.

Collant or commonly referred to as antipembekuan a result of liquid ethylene or propylene glycol mixtures and water. Usually the ratio of mineral substances that range from 50/50.

Should Replace Coolant?

Yes, this action is necessary because the use of coolant is too long causes the accumulation of sand. Too much sand can menurup cooling duct systems.

Why to Do?

In a certain phase, coolant quality can deteriorate due to heat and dirty environment. In addition, corrosion of the radiator guard could result in the deposition of dirt in the coolant.
What Happens When Not to Do?

Deposition of impurities that could potentially shut down the system too much cooling channels, thus causing the engine cooling flow uninterrupted. When this happens, the machine easy to heat and trigger a strike. If you have this, a series of crucial issues over the engine could occur. You certainly do not want to pocket a lot more to it.

How much Coolant Replacement Interval?

Check the coolant in futures. In the manual of how many vehicles are generally written coolant replacement interval.

However, there is the easiest way to find out his condition. Fairly good quality coolant when the engine when cold, the coolant level in the reserve tube does not exceed the minimum threshold line. Or, when the engine is hot, the coolant level is still below the maximum threshold.
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