Driving Tips For Women

In a world not many women become racer. One of Emma Gilmour. Women born 30 September 1979 began his career as co-driver.

After 3 years as co-driver, a woman from New Zealand is a chance to become a champion racer and successful in the 4WD class and sixth overall sequence of the 98 participants.

Since then, he follows a lot more competition to win more titles. Bettega Memorial Trophy in Bologna Italy is the first match in the World Rally Car and became the first woman to compete there. Emma reaches the order of 8 overall.

Since 2005, Emma achievers in various championships. Together with Subaru, Emma had won Overall 3rd Round 5 APRC Rally Indonesia in 2009.

Now, he collaborated with the New Zealand Automobile Association to promote driving safety. In one interview, Emma said that she would love to come to Indonesia and the sharing of knowledge and experience. These are tips and messages to the woman about her driving:

Hi Emma, ​​how are you?
Hi, I am Fine, Thank you.

As a female racer that focuses on safety. What's the ultimate in driving safety?
Most importantly we know how to take care of vehicles and matters concerning road safety. If both of these are met, I believe everyone can drive well.

What should be considered in the care of the car?
Engine, tires, and so forth. Most women, tend not to pay attention to the machines because they are less interested in the affairs under the hood of the car, the tire business, and so forth.

How should she respond?
We need more frequent attention to the engine. Then we have to choose or if already teranjur buy a car, a car equipped with safety features that fit your budget.

Safety features such as what is your ideal?
In general, today's cars already have a number of safety features like ABS Braking, airbags and electronic stability control. Well, these features became standard for driver safety. More audio luxurious and expensive accessories are additional features. Not useful for our protection from accidents.

And what an ideal car?
It is recommended to choose a car All-Wheel-Drive (AWD) is offered as Subaru. And choose a car according to our needs. For example, if our day-to-day in large cities, the big-engined cars is not the right choice.

What is the function of AWD?
Motion system with four-wheel-then four tires grip better and complete the safety features of cars owned.

What to watch on a car tire?
Ensure proper tire pressure (no less or more). Perform balancing (balancing) tires regularly. Less air pressure or excessive, will cause the car is not balanced / stable while driving. Buy the best quality tires. Remember the safety features and tire grip is very dependent on the quality of the tire.

There are other tips about safe driving?
Most women put a lot of stuff in the cabin. It is better if the car is clean of goods. If they are scattered all residents would be harmful to the cabin. Do not get used to hang clothes in the window or put a lot of stuff in the dashboard because they interfere with the driver's view.

How do we maintain a safe distance when driving?
Keep a safe distance from the car in front of you as far as "two seconds". If the car in front passes a 'boundary marker' or stakes, count 2 seconds (1.2.) And you also have to pass the limit sign or marker. If you pass the marker before you finish counting 2 seconds then you are driving a distance too close to the car in front of you. In case of rain or mengendarakan large vehicles, we use a count of 4 seconds (, Because the car needs more time to stop.

When driving at night?
First, Use the headlights with a state of full, so the driver can see the road ahead as far as possible. Second, do not drive a vehicle at high speed so that if there is something to be avoided we can react quickly to avoid it. And third, be wary of people or animals crossing.

How to hold the wheel?
The steering wheel like the dots hour. Align your hands. The left hand is positioned parallel to the 9 o'clock and right hand parallel to the 3 o'clock. So that our hands will not prevent the airbag inflates. Try to always look ahead as far as possible. And if we know there is a potential danger or accident situations, always trying to quickly find loopholes in order to avoid accidents. Do not ever focused on vehicles that disturb and threaten our car.

There's the last thing to say?
Enjoy it while driving. The car is something beautiful and give us freedom, but we realize it or not, the car can also have external power (potential) to harm us.
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