Note the tire wear

Do not underestimate the tires are worn. The use of worn tires, in addition to endangering the safety of ourselves in the drive to endanger others. because the tires are worn to less than perfect braking and slippery when wet so the distance by road braking becomes more distant.

To avoid these undesirable things, then perhaps you should consider keausannya level.

As the tire wear indicator, check the depth of flow of the tires and noticed scratches on the side of the tire sidewalls are marked with a sort of lump TWI (Thread Wear Indicator) or the sign of Δ (triangle). If the surface is flat tire indicator, the tire marks had to be replaced.

Note also that there is damage to the tire, like a tear or cracks on the side of the tire. Small tear can make the tire easy to erupt.

Improper air pressure can also make the tires wear out, but not evenly. Wear and tear in the middle caused by wind pressure is too high because of the use of the center of the tread is excessive. Instead the pressure is too low resulting in wear and tear on both sides of the tire shoulder.
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